Our collection presentation is permanently in motion. In 2024, the Kunstmuseum Bonn will receive a new lighting system that is more energy-efficient in terms of sustainability and can be easily adapted to conservation conditions. In the course of the renovation, blocks of rooms will be successively closed and then reopened with new room-filling installations. Ulla von Brandenburg’s installation ‘Two Times Seven’ marks the start of a series of highlight rooms that will be opened in the coming months.

‘Two Times Seven’ (2017) consists of seven rows of sculpturally designed, ceiling-high curtains that can be walked through to reach a video installation. The work invites visitors to experience and reflect on both physical and mental spaces.

Ulla von Brandenburg is best known for her installations, videos and performances. Her works are often characterised by a strong theatrical aesthetic. Characteristic of her videos is the use of elaborate stage sets and costumes as well as a strong emphasis on colour and movement.

The work is on permanent loan from the KiCo collection.

Ulla von Brandenburg, Two Times Seven, 2017, Kunstmuseum Bonn, permanent loan KiCo, photo: Lucy Degens, © VG Bild-Kunst 2024

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