Photo: David Ertl

Team & Contact

Kunstmuseum Bonn
Helmut-Kohl-Allee 2
53113 Bonn

Visitor’s Service

Your Inquiries about Gifts, Artist Estates, Art Estimates

Artist Estates

We frequently receive offers to take over the estates of artists. We are aware of the challenge involved in placing the estate of an artist in good and professional hands. Because of its limited possibilities with regard to space and personnel, the Kunstmuseum Bonn can only give consideration to taking over those estates which stand in a recognizable connection to the areas covered by the museum’s collection.


The same is true with regard to all planned offers or gifts to the museum: please inform yourself in advance about the central concentrations of the institution’s collection. If you conclude that the work which you would like to offer the Kunstmuseum Bonn could constitute a sensible extension of the collection holdings, please contact the responsible persons. You can find the names of the collection curators here.

You can find further information about handling artist estates here, for example:

Art Estimates

As a matter of principle, the Kunstmuseum Bonn does not undertake any estimates of objects and works of art in private ownership. In such cases, please get in touch with the appropriate auction houses and other private companies whose experts offer appraisals and estimates. You can find the relevant addresses on the internet when, for example, you enter the term “art estimates.”


Director's office

Prof. Dr. Stephan Berg
Secretary: Katja Thiele
T 0228 77-6211, F -9619608

Deputy Director
Friederike Fast
Assistant Curator | Secretary: Alina Kehl
T 0228 77-6212, F -9619608

Kristina Georgi (on parental leave)

Head of Administration
Gabriele Kuhn
Secretary: Elvira Quardt
T 0228 77-6218, F -6206

Collections & Exhibtions

Head of Exhibitions and Curator of Contemporary Art |
Collection of Modern Art

Dr. Barbara J. Scheuermann
T 0228 77-6226, F -6220

Curator of Contemporary Art | Head of the Prints, Drawings and Media Art Collection
Dr. Barbara Martin
T 0228 77-6225, F -6220



Dagmar Kürschner
T 0228 77-6222, F -6220

Assistant Curator
Lucy Degens
T 0228 77-6228, F -6220


Curator Education
Dr. Sabina Leßmann
T 0228 77-6224, F -6220

Coordinator Departement of Education
Alexandra Bätz
T 0228 77-6230, F -6220

Events & Renting | Photo & Video Permit

Events & Renting | Photo & Video Permit
Julia Friedek
T 0228 77-6208, F -6206


Head of Administration
Gabriele Kuhn
T 0228 77-6218, F -6206

Deputy Head of Administration | Accounting & Contolling
Michael Hubbert
T 0228 77-6216, F -6206


Head of Conservation
Antje Janssen
T 0228 77-6241, F -6205

Conservator, Graphic Art and Photography
Nicole Nowak
T 0228 77-6238 F -6205

Technical Department

Technical Head of Exhibtion
Gianluca Galata
T 0228 77-6239, F -6205

Chief Storekeeper
Reinhard Behrenbeck
T 0228 77-6235, F -6205

Head of Workshops
Martin Wolter
T 0228 77-6236, F -6205


Freunde des Kunstmuseums Bonn e. V.

Freunde des Kunstmuseum Bonn e. V.
Karoline Scheidemann
T 0228 36761178, F 77-6220


Museum Shop

Bookstore Walther König
T 0228 230631

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