+49 (0)228 77-6230
Once per month our studio space is transformed into a space for play and color. Children between the ages of one and two can playfully experience materials together with their parents. Adventures with paper, paints and age-appropriate materials provide impulses to afterwards visit independently the collection or temporary exhibitions of the Kunstmuseum.
For children between one and two years of age together with a parent or adult. We recommend bringing a change of clothes.
Sundays, 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
3.50 euros per child, 6 euros per adult
In this studio, the works of art offer inspiration for realizing one’s own ideas and gaining practical experiences with many materials and artistic techniques. Guests of all ages, including those with need for support and assistance, are invited—whether or not they have had previous encounters with art—to experience the Kunstmuseum together as a group.
Everyone is invited: children, young persons and adults!
Sundays, 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
3.50 euros per child, 6 euros per adult
Limited number of participants. Tickets may be purchased at any time at the museum ticket counter.
Become a master of drawing! You can learn the technique of drawing at the Kunstmuseum. Regularly on Tuesdays, you can sharpen your vision and practice drawing three-dimensional objects. Moreover, you will use different drawing materials to give graphic representation to imagined fantasies, actual experiences and stories (in pictures). The yearlong course builds on the basis of continuity and offers space for talents to develop.
For children from the age of 8 and young persons
Tuesdays, 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
3.50 euros plus 1 euro for materials
Our museum workshops take place during the Easter, summer and autumn school vacations; for an entire week, they focus on a special theme. For children from the age of 6 and young persons. Children with special needs can request assistance.
Information and registration for additional assistance:
Verein für körper- und mehrfachbehinderte Menschen Bonn e.V.
Beatrix Losem
T 0176 24875234
The inclusive vacation offerings take place in collaboration with and through support from the Verein für körper- und mehrfachbehinderte Menschen Bonn e.V. and the Sparda-Bank West.
Foto: David Ertl
Here at the museum, everything is about art, about exciting stories, about colors and shapes, about unusual materials and fascinating techniques that you can try out yourself. In this birthday workshop you, together with your friends, embark upon an exploratory journey through the museum. Afterwards you yourselves will experiment with colors and artistic materials.
Wish something for yourself! Our themes:
For children from the age of 5 and young persons
2 hours/80 euros; 2.5 hours /100 euros; 3 hours/120 euros
The price includes entrance fee, workshop and materials.
Workshop “Drypoint” at least 2.5 hours / additionally 1 euro per person for material costs.
Information and registration:
T 0228 776230
With generous support from the Werner und Marie-Luise Boeck-Stiftung
Since 1999 we have been clearing out a collection room in the Kunstmuseum almost once a year in order to present our exhibition for children and young persons. These exhibitions are specifically directed towards a young audience and offer space for participation and actions.
The goal of this exhibition series, which is unique among art museums, is to make it possible to experience art in its many facets and to explore one’s own approach to it. The fact that art is (almost never) allowed to be touched is self-evident for our young museum guests in these exhibition spaces. Becoming familiar with the language, the handwriting or the message of a work of art also means respecting and valuing its uniqueness and individual characteristics. The mysterious paintings of Karin Kneffel were explored from many perspectives with accompanying question cards; the multiples of Joseph Beuys were investigated in the House of Mysteries with flashlights. Sometimes also spreading out right within the museum is a Construction Site, a printing workshop or the Space within a Space by Irene and Christine Hohenbüchler, where there is an opportunity for building and playing. Or multifaceted traces left by the visitors to the exhibition proliferate in the form of drawings or photographs far past the walls of the museum.
Exhibition space, workshop, action space, laboratory, space of play. We are dedicating this exhibition series to children and young persons. All adults are likewise welcome.
With generous support from the Freunde des Kunstmuseums Bonn e.V.
Information about the current exhibition Frank Bölter, ultra all inclusive, which may be visited at the Kunstmuseum since April 18, 2021, may be found here.
2021 Frank Bölter. ultra all inclusive (workbook)
Sponsored by BTHVN2020 with financing from the Federal Government (Culture and Media), the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the City of Bonn and the Rhine-Sieg District
2018 Christine and Irene Hohenbüchler. Räume im Raum (leporello of symbols)
(was subsequently taken over by the Kinder-Akademie Fulda gGmbH)
Sponsored by the Verein der Freunde des Kunstmuseums Bonn e.V. and the Österreichisches Kulturforum Berlin
2017 Karin Kneffel. Bild im Bild (picture cards)
In collaboration with the Kinder-Akademie Fulda gGmbH
Sponsored by the Verein der Freunde des Kunstmuseums Bonn e.V.
2015 Tanja Geiß. Geisterbahn (workbook)
Insights into the exhibition GEISTERBAHN are offered in the film by Cornelius Vogel.
Sponsored by the Verein der Freunde des Kunstmuseums Bonn e.V.
2014 Kerstin Ergenzinger. zeich(n)en (catalogue)
Sponsored by the Verein der Freunde des Kunstmuseums Bonn e.V.
2013 Achtung BAUSTELLE! children’s studio with construction materials for (in)secure spaces
Sponsored by the Verein der Freunde des Kunstmuseums Bonn e.V.
Sponsored by the Verein der Freunde des Kunstmuseums Bonn e.V.
2011 Stefanie Gerhardt: Inside (workbook)
Sponsored by the Verein der Freunde des Kunstmuseums Bonn e.V.
2009 Druck machen! Printing techniques and graphic art (didactic information brochure)
Taken over from the Stiftung Lehmbruckmuseum Duisburg
Supported by the Prime Minister of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
2008 Georg Baselitz: Wer kennt Anna selbdritt?
Sponsored by the Verein der Freunde des Kunstmuseums Bonn e.V.
2007 Glühwürmchen? Strahlentierchen? Königskerze? Photographs from the microcosm by Claudia Fährenkemper (workbook)
Supported by IVG Immobilien AG, Fa. Olympus
2006 Jean Tinguely: “Alles bewegt sich, Stillstand gibt es nicht.“ (didactic information brochure)
In collaboration with the Stiftung Lehmbruckmuseum Duisburg
Sponsored by IVG Immobilien AG
2005 mioon (Min Kim and Moon Choi): Menschenstrom (workbook)
Sponsored by the IVG Immobilien AG and by Korean Culture & Arts Foundation
2004 Joseph Beuys: Denken, Reden, Machen! (catalogue)
In collaboration with Museum Schloss Moyland and the Stiftung Lehmbruckmuseum Duisburg
Sponsored by IVG Immobilien AG and the Ministry for Urban Development and Housing, Culture and Sport NRW
2003 Christiane Löhr: “Wie die Dinge den Raum berühren” (workbook)
Sponsored by IVG Immobilien AG, Fa. Lubig, Bonn
2002 “Mit dem Körper formen” – Franz Erhard Walther (workbook)
In collaboration with the Stiftung Lehmbruckmuseum Duisburg
2001 “Über 2 Quadrate”- El Lissitzky
Taken over from the Sprengel Museum, Hanover
2000 ICH DU ER SIE ES – Rineke Dijkstra and Pia Stadtbäumer (catalogue)
Sponsored by the Netherlandish Embassy and the Mondriaan Foundation, Amsterdam
1999 Carla Accardi “Triplice Tenda” (workbook)
In collaboration with Museo Castello di Rivoli, Torino
Sponsored by the Italian Embassy, Bonn
Bring along paper and pencil! Then you can draw or write here in the Kunstmuseum. You can use pencils in all the exhibition rooms, but unfortunately not pens of any sort.
Be an eyes-person! Experience everything with your eyes, not with your hands. Because in the museum, it is not permitted to touch the works of art, so that they are not damaged or dirtied.
Do you know the painter August Macke? Many of his paintings are hanging here at the Kunstmuseum Bonn. One is called The Tightrope Walker. Before he painted it with brushes, he did preparatory drawings.
You can find one of these drawings here. You can download it, print it out and color it. Then when you visit the museum, you can compare the colors of your tightrope walker with those of the same figure done by August Macke.
A museum suitcase is waiting for you at the ticket counter!
During your visit to the permanent collection, follow the suitcase symbols alongside the works of art. In the suitcase, you will then find the relevant tasks, games and materials. You can sharpen your eyes in a searching game, draw upside down or create a thread picture.
For children from the age of 5 accompanied by curious adults, buddies, friends, siblings, parents or grandparents.
Lending fee per child: 1 euro
Due to COVID-19, the Museum Art Suitcase is unfortunately not availiable at the moment.
An illuminated table with colorful, transparent rocks; a mirror construction through which the forms are multiplied; colored glasses and colored, spinning tops: you will find these and other materials in two collection rooms on the upper level of the Kunstmuseum. The two ART STATIONS on the themes of VISION and COLOR offer many surprises; perhaps you will see some works of art afterwards “with other eyes.”
Due to COVID-19, the Art Stations are unfortunately not availiable at the moment.
In our CHILDREN’S ROOM in the foyer of the museum, there is space to arrive, rest and play.
Books are waiting for you in a bookcase, and on a playing table there are always things to build, change and display. If you turn the crank, you set in motion a huge display of colors that goes all the way to the ceiling of the museum.
The discoverer’s map is waiting here to help you during your adventurous visit to the museum.
Set up in the context of the Art and Games Project of the Robert Bosch Stiftung