Frank Bölter, To the world’s End in Hastings, 2014, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2021: photo: Alexander Battrell

Frank Bölter

The exhibition space set up by Frank Bölter (*1969) is simultaneously an installation of his works, an artist’s studio, a laboratory and a workshop for guests of the museum. Capable of being influenced at any time by the creative participation of the museum guests, the space is subject to constant change. Proceeding from the folding-technique of origami, which is characterized as either a handicraft or a hobby, the works created and displayed here acquire an explosive charge because of their extremely large size. The playful and innocuous act of folding gives rise to crazy challenges and impositions; doing one’s own thing is abandoned in favor of actions achievable only through cooperation. Dynamically and unexpectedly, the harmless process of handiwork can take on a life of its own. Unpleasant surprises or even catastrophes are preprogrammed. At the same time, Frank Bölter takes his audience seriously in the sense of empowerment, communal experience and participation in artistic processes.

Over the course of the exhibition, four large-format folded works will be created in collaboration with Frank Bölter. Children, teenagers and adults—regardless of whether they are accomplished hobbyists, hapless amateurs or origami hotshots—are always included. Construction, transformation, destruction and disappearance: all inclusive.



On the occasion of the exhibition Frank Bölter. ultra all inclusive – Ausstellung für Kinder und Jugendliche, a comprehensive catalog has been published with numerous illustrations and text contributions by Stefanie Klingemann und Sabina Leßmann.

The catalog can be purchased through the museum store and online through the Buchhandlung Walther König.

Language: German
ISBN: 978-3-943676-14-3
Price: 8,00 €


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