Photo: David Ertl
We would like to share our enthusiasm for art with you and issue an invitation to workshops, guided tours, conversations about art, and ongoing education.
Our offerings include painting studios for one- and two-year-olds with their parents, offerings for kindergartens and schools, vacation workshops for children and youths, art evenings for and with students, museum discussions and workshops for persons of all ages, advanced training for artistic work with persons having special needs and limitations, workshops IM TANDEM with artists as well as birthday celebrations at the museum. Our annual exhibitions for children and young persons transform the museum into a site for discoveries and participatory art-actions. We consider the museum along with its works of art to be a social place where people come together, engage in conversation, and are both challenged and enriched.
Some forty art-outreach specialists with various focuses in their study or work—from free art past art history and art pedagogy all the way to art therapy—contribute their professional expertise and personal commitment to realizing the multifaceted offerings and to providing insights into the art of the 20th and 21st centuries.
In the framework of art outreach for persons of all ages, the Kunstmuseum Bonn pursues these goals in accordance with the program of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The encounter not only with positions of artists but also with materials and artistic techniques makes it possible to convey capabilities and values that determine our treatment of ourselves, other persons and our environment.
Through contact to art and integration into artistic processes, we seek to stimulate and support persons in their engaging in future-oriented thought and action.
All programs are based on the guiding principles of inclusion and participation. Dialogues, encounters and exchange constitute the basis for public and individually-booked events. We become involved in art-theoretical discussions in front of the original works of art and experiment together in the use of artistic techniques in the museum workshop. We provide emotional and intellectual experiences, promote attentiveness and well-being, allow you to recharge your batteries and to meet the challenges presented by art.
In this sense—don’t go alone!
Your Team for Education and Outreach
T 0228 776230
Office Hours:
Mon.: 9 a.m.–12 a.m.
Tues.: 10 a.m.–1 p.m.
Wed.: 9 a.m.–12 a.m.
Thurs.: 1 p.m.–4 p.m.
In this studio, the works of art offer inspiration for realizing one’s own ideas and gaining practical experiences with many materials and artistic techniques. Guests of all ages, including those with need for support and assistance, are invited—whether or not they have had previous encounters with art—to experience the Kunstmuseum together as a group.
For children, young persons and adults.
Sundays, 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
5 euros per child, 10 euros per adult
Limited number of participants. Tickets may be purchased at any time at the museum ticket counter
There is a 3D printer at the Kunstmuseum Bonn!
In this additive production process, material is added layer after layer so as to create a three-dimensional object. The printing action is always preceded by a virtual model which, with the help of a special plastic, is translated into a three-dimensional physical reality, in other words is printed.
The interplay between two and three dimensions also defines the artistic activity and production process of many contemporary artists.
This is a production process that also raises questions as to originality, prototypes, manipulations and reproductions and that can serve as the basis for a conversational exchange in the framework of the workshop.
CREATION HANDMADE is a series of programs with experts and amateurs, with theoreticians and experimenters. In the framework of expert discussions or workshops on Sundays: we look forward to discussions and an exchange of ideas as well as to creative workshops.
CREATION HANDMADE is a collaborative partner of Maker Space Bonn e.V.