Patricia Thoma, aus der Serie Papierkleider (Detail), 2019-2021, Zeitungspapier, Vlieseline, Acrylfarbe, © Patricia Thoma, Foto: Barbara Antal


Paper hanging in the room, decorated with patterns and entwining flowers, glued and sewn into “fabrics” and long robes: A children’s room In the center of the new presentation of the museum’s collection invites visitors to come in and be amazed and to get creative doing crafts.

This time, everything is about paper, about decorating and printing. Apart from transforming paper, children and young people are invited to transform themselves here. The artist Patricia Thoma (* 1977) fills this space with her meticulously crafted paper works, with her gilded robes and imaginative garments. Beauty, decoration, opulence – everything is made out of simple paper! Work tables are provided for the visitors to transform paper into precious sheets and create their own individual workbook.

Upcycling or downcycling: A workshop program in cooperation with the Fröbel Fantasy Lab in Cologne uses paper as a precious raw material and as a starting medium for further processing with the help of paint, glitter, scissors, needle and thread.

Insights into the exhibition


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