Human AI Art Space, Installation View Kunstmuseum Bonn 2024, Photo: Norbert Ittermann


In 2025, Deutsche Telekom and the Kunstmuseum Bonn will present the Human AI Art Award for the second time. With a prize money of 10,000 euros and a two-month exhibition, the award promotes innovative artistic approach in the age of digital transformation. The annual award recognises artists who work in the field of tension between fine art and state-of-the-art technology, in particular artificial intelligence, and who are pioneers in this field. After the successful premiere in 2024, when US artist Lauren Lee McCarthy was honoured by a top-class jury for her work LAUREN, the winner(s) will be announced at the beginning of the year in 2025.

A special highlight of the award is the pavilion designed by the agency Meiré und Meiré especially for the Human AI Art Award, which will be located outside the Kunstmuseum Bonn for the duration of the exhibition. The award-winning artistic work will be presented here. The temporary architecture offers the nominated works a contemporary setting and the public a place to immerse themselves in the interactions between art and technology.


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