C:O: Paeffgen, ohne Titel (viel kein Geld), 1990, donation Clemens Fahnemann, permanent loan Freunde des Kunstmuseums Bonn e.V.

Creative togetherness

“It’s just the most beautiful thing to meet with people who love art as much as I do.”
Clemens Fahnemann

In 2022, the gallery owner and publisher Clemens Fahnemann donated his entire collection of editions to the Kunstmuseum Bonn. With the donation, more than 140 large-format prints published by Clemens Fahnemann between 1982 and 2020, with over 200 sheets by around 30 German and international artists, will become part of the Prints and Drawings Collection.

Due to its size and outstanding quality, this donation is of immense importance to the museum. The donation not only represents the entire publishing output of Clemens Fahnemann, but at the same time a concise period of recent (West) German art history. On the one hand, it closes gaps in the Kunstmuseum’s collection and, on the other, makes important additions to the existing inventory.

For the first time, this impressive collection will be presented in a collection room of the Kunstmuseum, conceived and complemented with contemporary documents by Clemens Fahnemann.

Clemens Fahnemann (1948 near Münster) first studied free and applied graphics in Stuttgart, then visual communication at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Berlin with a degree and later free painting with a master’s degree. In the print workshop in Bethanien, he experimented for years with the diverse, often underestimated artistic technique of screen printing. In 1980, Fahnemann founded Galerie Fahnemann in Berlin, which he closed in 2022 after 40 successful years. At the same time, he was for decades a publisher of artistic prints, which he developed together with the artists. By far the largest part of Clemens Fahnemann’s published prints will be transferred into the collection of the Kunstmuseum Bonn in 2022.

With works by Elvira Bach, Luciano Castelli, Jessica Dimond, Rainer Fetting, Günther Förg, Karl Horst Hödicke, Jörg Immendorff, Imi Knoebel, Bruce McLean, Helmut Middendorf, C.O. Paeffgen, A.R. Penck, Rainhard Pods, Salomé, ter Hell and others.


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