Behind the Scenes: Conservation (German only)

In this video, our restorer Verena Franken introduces us to the Michael Buthe conservation project.

The approximately 295 cm high and 485 cm wide painting Untitled (silver stars and gold spirals) by Michael Buthe has been in the collection of the Kunstmuseum Bonn since February 2005. Due to its fragile condition and peeling paint, the painting could no longer be exhibited. After a comprehensive technological investigation and condition assessment, a conservation concept was developed.

In the summer of 2020, the work of art was processed by a team of restorers from various disciplines as part of a show restoration in a collection room of the museum. The conservation project was realized with the help of the fine arts restoration program of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

We would like to thank the Ministry of Culture and Science (MKW) and the Association of Restorers (VDR) for their support


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