Felix Schramm, Transom, 2019, © Felix Schramm, Photo: Aaron Wojack


As part of the AUSGEZEICHNET series, former scholarship holders of the Stiftung Kunstfonds exhibit their work at the Kunstmuseum Bonn every year. This time, the jury chose Felix Schramm (* 1970 in Hamburg, lives and works in Düsseldorf).

The examination of space, its forms and boundaries is at the centre of Schramm’s oeuvre, which encompasses a wide variety of media. Monumental constructions made of plasterboard, wood and paint break up the existing spatial structures and at the same time bring them into focus. Splintery, fragmented forms protrude into the room and penetrate the walls. They seem to clump together or drift apart, intertwine to form a complex structure.

The fundamental interplay of composition and decomposition is echoed in Schramm’s photographic collages as well as in his accumulations. This group of works combines different types of set pieces, such as model parts, moulds and material samples, which are arranged in and on transparent cubes. These form both bonnets and plinths and question the boundary between work and display.


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