The Dorothea von Stetten Art Award has been presented at the Kunstmuseum Bonn every two years since 1984. Formerly limited to young artists from Germany, since 2014 the prize has focused on promoting the young art scenes in European countries neighboring Germany – in 2024 the prize is aimed at young artists from Austria.

The three finalists Jojo Gronostay, Elisabeth Kihlström and Isa Schieche were selected in a nomination process and a subsequent jury process. As a gesture of solidarity, the artists have decided to share the award and prize money of 10,000 euros.

Using the media of film and photography and as the head of the sustainable design label DWMC (Dead White Men’s Clothes), Jojo Gronostay (* 1988) looks at clothing in various functions and value systems. His contribution to the Dorothea von Stetten Art Award 2024 deals with the neo-colonial structures behind both the globalized clothing markets and the institution of the museum. Elisabeth Kihlström (* 1988) constructs spatial arrangements of artworks and different artifacts. Central to her installations are hand-woven textiles in which she explores the material and technique of weaving both aesthetically and in terms of art and cultural history. Isa Schieche’s (* 1988) art is characterized by a playful appropriation of social images of “femininity“ and “masculinity”. In a newly created video essay, Schieche takes off the so-called kid gloves and addresses the trans- and misogynistic realities faced by people who do not conform to these images.

Jury: Julika Bosch (Philara Collection, Düsseldorf), Yilmaz Dziewior (Museum Ludwig, Cologne), Madeleine Frey (Max Ernst Museum, Brühl), Diana Lelonek (participant of the Dorothea von Stetten Art Award 2022), Julia Wallner (Arp Museum, Bahnhof Rolandseck)


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